Over the years, several studies have been published opposing both the efficiency of the Nautilus machines, as well as Jones’ emphasis on brief but intense training. But Jones’ would probably have been gratified with the results of the latest study that compared conventional training with using variable exercise machines, such as Nautilus machines. The study featured 13 young men who did four workouts using either conventional weight or variable resistance loading patterns.The results showed that force and muscle involvement was significantly higher when using the variable resistance style of training. Levels of total testosterone, growth hormone, and cortisol increased during the variable resistance exercise, while conventional constant loading raised only growth hormone levels.
It would appear based on the results of this small study that the ideas suggested by Jones have been vindicated, and that his variable resistance style of training is indeed superior in terms of stressing a muscle during heavy training compared to constant load resistance. I’m sure that if Arthur were alive today, he might even soften his frequent acerbic attacks on exercise scientists. He would no longer call them “idiots,” but would likely retain the term “moron” in reference to these esteemed scientists.
Walker S, et al. Neuromuscular and hormonal responses to constant and variable resistance loadings.Med
Sci Sports Exerc 2010;in press.
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